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Chris Hutton


Online peer mentoring at scale: Benefits and impacts from a student buddy perspective

  • Julie RobsonChris Hutton
  • The benefits of peer mentoring for students studying in Higher Education are well established and have been demonstrated in online, blended and hybrid settings. Best practice in establishing financially sustainable schemes in online settings at a large scale is under researched.

    July 2019 to August 2023

    Evaluation and improvement of print packs use for Environmental Science students

  • Fiona AikenChris Hutton
  • There is a legal requirement (Equality Act, 2010) to provide students who have declared disabilities with reasonable adjustments which address their learning needs.

    October 2021 to October 2023

    Student perceptions and development of employability skills on a level 4 multidisciplinary science module

  • Fiona AikenChris Hutton
  • S112, Science: concepts and practice, was a new science module at the Open University in 2017.

    November 2018 to November 2020