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Emma Rothero


Floodplain Meadows Partnership Ambassadors

  • Emma Rothero
  • We have previously undertaken simple questionnaires to gain feedback about the training, but we would like to develop this further and in-more depth to answer the following questions:

    May 2019 to February 2025

    Flight of the Fritillary Phase 2

  • Emma Rothero
  • The Floodplain Meadows Partnership (FMP), hosted by the Open University, has been collecting data on the rare plant species snake’s-head fritillary at a National Nature Reserve (North Meadow, Cricklade, Wilts) since 1999, using volunteers.

    January 2015 to June 2018

    Flight of the Fritillary

  • Emma Rothero
  • The Floodplain Meadows Partnership (FMP), hosted by the Open University, has been collecting data on the rare Snakeshead fritillary plant at a National Nature Reserve (North Meadow, Cricklade, Wilts) since 1999, using volunteers.

    February 2012 to February 2014