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Fiona Moorman


Can we reduce anxiety of students sitting remote exams? Sharing best practice between SPS and LHCS

  • Gemma WarrinerFiona MoormanBecca Whitehead
  • Our project was a cross school collaboration between the School of Physical Sciences (SPS) and the Life, Health and Chemical Sciences (LHCS).

    Rationale for our approach

    April 2022 to April 2024

    An evaluation of use and impact of zero grades in assessment; are we being consistent, fair, and transparent?

  • Karen NewFiona Moorman
  • Assessment is at the core of teaching and learning at the Open University.  It is used to measure student learning against institutional and AQA standards and, most importantly, assessment has a pivotal role in consolidating student understanding and in supporting progression along their learning

    June 2021 to December 2023

    Summer Series of Journal Clubs: an opportunity to develop employability skills and a sense of community amongst students in secure environments

  • Karen NewFiona MoormanHannah Gauci
  • In keeping with the ethos ‘open to all’, The Open University (OU) has provided higher education opportunities to students in secure environments (SiSE) for over 40 years, currently reaching over 150 secure environments (Open University, 2020).

    June 2019 to January 2021

    STEM ISSS - where are we now? Evaluating awareness, usage and effectiveness of individual student support sessions

  • Fiona MoormanKaren New
  • Our distance learning students study in isolation and are an increasingly diverse cohort, many with disabilities and balancing work, family and caring commitments alongside study workload, with many students opting to study at high intensity with potential overlap between J and B presentations.

    May 2019 to December 2021

    Online journal clubs in distance higher education: an opportunity to develop skills and community?

  • Fiona MoormanKaren New
  • Winner of the 3rd eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Award 2020 under the category - Innovative/Original Approach to Teaching.

    November 2018 to January 2020