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Linda Moore


Understanding Passive Withdrawals on S111

  • Victoria PearsonLinda MooreMaria Velasco
  • In every presentation of S111, there has been a percentage of students who remain registered until the end of the module but have had limited or even no engagement with the module content and assessment.  In some cases, they may have never logged on to the VLE at all despite attempts from ALs and

    April 2022 to December 2024

    SiSE only tutor groups and the effect on SiSE students and their tutors

  • Laura AlexanderLinda MooreVictoria Nicholas
  • Normally at the Open University Students in Secure Environments (SiSE) are allocated in small numbers to standard tutor groups to form mixed groups of 20 students, of whom 1 or 2 would typically be SiSE students.

    October 2019 to October 2020