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Lorraine Waters


Exploring the impact of virtual reality on engagement and accessibility of tutorials for students studying S296

  • Sarah DaniellLorraine WatersKatja Rietdorf
  • With many students opting to defer part way through a presentation and fewer attending live tutorials in Adobe Connect (AC), this project proposes to pilot the introduction of a series of four short (20-30 minute) tutorials using the Mozilla Hubs Virtual Reality (VR) platform on S296, Cell and Mo

    May 2023 to September 2024

    Evaluation of online journal club (OJC) in S285: to what extent does this help students develop employability skills?

  • Lorraine WatersRachel McMullan
  • Developing employability skills have been identified as an Open University priority; there is evidence that these transferable ‘soft’ skills are often limited in science graduates entering the workplace.

    May 2022 to June 2024

    Evaluation of D-flag students accessibility to and use of online tutorials and forums in L2 modules

  • Sarah DaniellLorraine Waters
  • It remains the case that despite different initiatives to encourage tutorial attendance, few students attend live online tutorials in LHCS.

    May 2020 to May 2024