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Jennie Bellamy


Postcode Inequity: Closing the Awarding Gap for Stage 1 Science Students residing in our most deprived UK postcodes

  • Louise MacBrayneJennie Bellamy
  • The STEM faculty has identified the awarding gap between IMDQ1 and IMDQ5 (most and least deprived) UK postcodes as a priority under APS (Access Participation and Success) criteria.

    June 2024 to November 2025

    Sharing tutorial slides before online events: an evaluation of current practice and perceived benefits and barriers

  • Jenny DuckworthJennie BellamyHarriet Marshall
  • Access to slides in advance of online tutorials is thought to benefit many students with disabilities, e.g., those with sight and hearing impairments, some specific learning disabilities including dyslexia, and some mental health conditions including anxiety.

    June 2023 to December 2024

    Black student experience and attainment on S112: improving a level 1 STEM module

  • Louise MacBrayneJennie Bellamy
  • Highly Commended at the 7th eSTEeM Scholarship Projects of the Year Awards 2024.

    Winner of the 8th Best Poster Competition at the 12th eSTEeM Annual Conference, 19-20 April 2023.

    November 2020 to November 2023